Turnigy 9X8C V2 8-Channel Receiver!
This is the Turnigy 9X8C V2 Full Range receiver included with each 9X Transmitter. It includes the bind plug as shown.
The antenna is a mini-dipole with it's own ground plane. It seems to work well. There are no satellite ports on this receiver.
The antenna is a mini-dipole with it's own ground plane. It seems to work well. There are no satellite ports on this receiver.
9X8C V2 8Ch Receiver, the business end
Here's the "pins end" of the Receiver. It's got 8 channels starting on the left, and a nice feature of these Rx's is that they have a dedicated bind port so you can bind without disconnecting anything. I assume you can also use the bind port as an extra power input as well, nice touch!
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